
The Mind Your Business Podcast

All entrepreneurs want to know the secret to success. James Wedmore, an 8-figure online entrepreneur, believes success is created by mindset over strategy, magic over metrics, and attitude over action. In this podcast, James untangles the common misconception that hustle and hard work are all it takes to be successful.
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The Mind Your Business Podcast









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Now displaying: 2024
Sep 16, 2024

Being in the online business space for years, I’ve learned one undeniable truth: opportunities are everywhere! In this episode, I share 9 powerful ways to boost your business income - and these are strategies you probably hadn’t even thought of!

By applying these creative, outside-the-box ideas, you’ll be on track to drive more revenue and bring extra cash into your business during the final 90 days of this year. Now is the perfect time to plan and prepare, just like we do at the end of every quarter. My hope is that this episode sparks inspiration to take action and finish the year strong. So, let’s dive in!

Is there something we talked about today about the power of silence that has resonated with you? We want to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The key pillars for increasing your business income and one specific sentence you need to write down and remember

  • What your "lowest-hanging fruit" offers will be and why they’re essential for generating quick cash flow

  • Two reasons people might not have purchased from you and the major blind spot many entrepreneurs overlook

  • Ideas for effortless offers that don’t require you to create any new products

  • Point-of-sale strategies to boost sales, including the importance of upsells and downsells

  • New opportunities for generating recurring revenue

  • A look at affiliate promotions and key considerations for using this strategy

  • And much more!

For full show notes and links, visit: 


Sep 9, 2024

Are you familiar with the concept of meditation, but you’re still unsure how to integrate the true power of silence into your daily routine? Anyone can meditate for a few minutes, but living meditatively is a whole other thing!  

In this episode, we reveal how you can harness the transformative power of silence to uncover the answers you’re seeking, as we bring you practical strategies to help you immerse yourself in silence more frequently and effectively throughout your day. 

This topic was a key focus at our recent BBD Next Level retreat, and even if you consider yourself well-versed in the benefits of silence, this conversation offers new tools and insights that you won’t want to miss! 

Is there something we talked about today about the power of silence that has resonated with you? We want to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What scientific research reveals about our repetitive thought patterns and self-talk

  • How taking a moment to “stop your world” can lead to profound results

  • A practical exercise from our retreat that demonstrates the impact of silence

  • The crucial difference between silence and stillness, and their unique benefits

  • A specific practice I use (and you can too) to enhance your awareness and presence

  • How using your breath as an anchor can provide insights when you embrace more silence

  • Effective habits for incorporating more moments of silence into your daily life

  • The importance of meditation for entrepreneurs, supported by scientific evidence

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Sep 2, 2024

Language is a topic that I’ve been passionate about for years, and it’s something that makes a BIG impact in your life as your words quite literally shape your world. In this episode, I reveal the power of your words and how they become the blueprint and building blocks for your entire life. 

When we become fully aware of the words we use we can edit our language, we can coach ourselves through our language and then become more powerful with our language, and that’s really what we’re talking about here today! 

Is there something we talked about in these last two episodes that has resonated the most with you? We want to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What you will start to notice by listening to the words that people are using 

  • A few of the main reasons why your words are so powerful 

  • What the language of self-talk is all about and an exercise you can do now to silence your inner critic 

  • Two specific phrases, that if removed from your vocabulary, will dramatically improve your life 

  • How beliefs are formed in the language you use and what is so tricky about these perceived beliefs 

  • The two belief categories that we express and the importance of always being in integrity through the power of your word 

  • Some of the mistakes that I see people making when it comes to integrity and why it gets them stuck, plus personal experiences I’ve had with the words that I used  

  • 5 ways to powerfully shift your language…and shape your world!

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Aug 26, 2024

In today's episode, we're continuing our series on transformative concepts that, while seemingly unrelated to business, are designed to elevate your performance, amplify your personal power, and ultimately, boost your income.

We’re unveiling two powerful, yet invisible tools that you can use to significantly expand abundance in your life and business. However, as with what we shared last week, remember that these tools require consistent practice to make a tangible impact! 

Is there something we talked about in these last two episodes that has resonated the most with you? We want to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • One of the “four immeasurables” of Buddhism that is the opposite of envy and jealousy, and how it can be a cornerstone of your success

  • The latest neuroscience insights on connectedness and why this was a focal point at our recent BBD Next Level retreat

  • Noticeable changes will occur when you start celebrating the successes of others using this first tool 

  • A powerful mindset shift on "failure" and the lessons children can teach us about what true success is, and isn't
  • A look at the comparison trap, real-life examples of it in action, and strategies you can use to avoid this mindset

  • The sacred law that is present in nature and involves keeping a good energetic balance for doing good and helping others

  • How this law relates to entrepreneurs selling services and the energy exchange between both sides 


For full show notes and links, visit: 

Aug 19, 2024

There are a lot of topics that I’ve been thinking about sharing with our BBD Next Level members at our upcoming retreat, and I want to start introducing them here on the podcast as well, as these things can significantly help you on your own personal, spiritual and transformational growth journey. You’ve heard me talk about the power of letting go, and in today’s episode, we’re going deeper with a conversation on the power of detachment, which is without a doubt an essential ingredient for boosting performance in life in business.  

If there are places where you feel like you’re giving your power away, there’s most likely attachment there. By developing an equanimous mind and mastering the art of non-attachment, it will help bring awareness to these areas for you. The best part? When you live and operate from a place of detachment, you will find that this is one of the most powerful places that you can be! 

Are there areas in your life and business where you are attached to something, such a particular result or an outcome? We want to hear about it from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • A look at the heaviness and burden that comes with attachment and how obtaining your goal actually becomes so much easier when there is no attachment to the outcome

  • Some definitions of what attachment is and where much of it stems from in regards to entrepreneurship

  • A reframe I have for you that will have you looking at goal setting in a completely different way  

  • Where to start first in order to find a state of detachment

  • What research tells us about negativity bias and the ultimate antidote to get out of a disempowered state if you find yourself in one 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Aug 12, 2024

Business is made up of so many choices, actions and decisions needed by you each day, but are you creating a fertile ground for inspiration and operating from that place, or are you relying on willpower alone? 

In this episode, we give you simple tools and mindset shifts that will help you unlock new levels of inspired action to take daily, and just watch what happens if you start living this way right now

What are your biggest takeaways from this week’s episode, and most of all, how has it inspired you to live differently? We want to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How finding inspiration is key to you creating your best work 

  • A word I no longer use and how making the decision to do this has been a game changer for me 

  • The origin of the word “inspiration” and a look at where it came from 

  • Why we often get our best ideas, inspiration, and divine intelligence when in unlikely places 

  • The link between using inspiration or willpower, and the way that using that latter will ultimately lead to burnout 

  • What happens when you are able to increase your sensitivity and awareness in this area 

  • How shame and guilt often block inspiration, and the biggest way that we can be a catalyst to inspire others 

  • Quick steps you can take to get back into an inspired state if you’re not in the frequency to receive inspiration 

  • A common example of how entrepreneurs often deny inspiration with the stories that they tell themselves 

  • A reminder of why outsourcing is a key part of this conversation and an invitation for you on how to live the next 30-days…and beyond!

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Aug 5, 2024

Last week, I gave you the 8 marketing skills you must learn if you want to be successful in any business, and in today’s episode, Jenni leads the way and presents the 8 essential skills that are required for success in any arena of life in general, not just business. 

Like with the last episode, take this list and evaluate, honestly, if each of these essential skills are getting the attention they deserve. When you do this, you’ll see how absolutely everything can change for you! 

What are your biggest takeaways from this week’s episode? We want to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why making gratitude a habit and being aware of the attitude you possess is so powerful

  • A look at self-awareness and how others can act as a mirror for you

  • The reasons that having patience and cultivating presence are such critical skills to possess 

  • How awakening and following your intuition will enable you to achieve success much easier

  • Why kindness and empathy will be required skills as you progress on your journey 

  • What you can do to start using the skill of intentional manifestation 

  • Tips for cultivating more presence in your life 

  • The role that being able to solve problems plays in your success

  • How communicating with yourself and others in the right way will help pave your path to success  

  • The impact that being able to discern fact from fiction will have on your life

  • What we’ve learned about the skill of letting go and detachment

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jul 29, 2024

Today’s topic has been on my mind for some time now, and I want to share the 8 marketing skills that you must learn to be successful in any business, but specifically as a personal brand selling digital products. 

If you put your attention on these foundational skills, practice them and make the effort to get better with each, I’m here to tell you that you absolutely will build your authority and make more sales! 

What resonated with you the most from this episode, and is there one particular marketing skill that you will be focusing on? We want to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why it’s so important to understand that a skill can be worked on and improved, and it isn’t something you’re just born with or given 

  • The way that the skill of offer creation has a science behind it, but is really simple at its core

  • What it means to use leading language in your communication and why this is one of the essential marketing skills to learn 

  • How demonstrating authority isn’t just a verbal skill 

  • A look at the often undervalued skill of storytelling and what makes telling your story so powerful 

  • The big issue with trying to be everything to everyone with your marketing

  • Understanding and working with the two polarities of desire versus doubt 

  • Where many marketers are missing the mark when it comes to creating urgency

  • A simple way that you learn and apply the skill of shifting a perspective, and what happens when you’re able to do this 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jul 22, 2024

For today’s solo episode, I want to give my thoughts on our biggest launch yet that just wrapped up in June for my signature program, Business By Design! As you’ll hear, I gained a lot of insight on what worked very well and the things we will be doing again in the future. I also share my top regret from this latest launch, in the hopes that you learn from this experience, so make sure to listen until very end of the episode to get that lesson and something profound that I took from it.  

Regardless of where you are in your journey, try taking even just one thing I share, apply it to your next launch and promotion, and watch what happens! 

What resonated with you the most from this episode? I want to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @jameswedmore. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why the debriefing process is the most valuable thing we do for all our launches and how I’ve learned to embrace it 

  • What to understand about launching and the way that I’ve redefined the word 

  • The goal I had for our free Rise of the Digital CEO Training and the feedback we’ve received on it 

  • How consistency is so powerful and what we’re seeing because of it as we go through the numbers on our latest launch 

  • The crucial role that you having trust as an expert will play the success you have in your marketplace 

  • What was interesting about the ads we ran this year versus last year

  • A significant stat we have about the number of BBD students that had purchased a lower-ticket product first 

  • A look at the text message campaign we ran with cold audiences that literally blew me away 

  • What we intentionally did in the open cart phase that led to amazing numbers for this launch 

  • Why a proper follow-up sequence is so important and some of the ways in which we did it for this launch 

  • A tough challenge faced during the promotion, a regret I now have and the big lesson that I took from it...and you can too 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jul 15, 2024

Jenni and I were recently with my sister Jill and Kathrin Zenkina, and since I had the mics there, I decided to just hit record and do an impromptu podcast episode with all of us! We didn’t have a specific topic in mind or a direction for this roundtable, and we ended up covering a lot of things, but a common theme was us talking about awakening intuitive or spiritual gifts. 

In this episode, each of us reveals the ways in which we’ve exercised our intuitive “muscles” and how doing this really paves the way for creating magic in our lives, every single day! 

We want to hear from you! What resonated with you the most from this episode and are there ways in which you’ve awakened your intuition and innate gifts? Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag all of us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni, @jill_foubister and @manifestationbabe! 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Our thoughts on whether anyone can be intuitive and how people can cultivate their innate gifts 

  • Kathrin’s decision to change course in her life after asking the Universe for a sign to point the way 

  • The impact that our environment growing up plays on our awareness of the gifts that we possess 

  • A discussion of how everything is energy and how this is related to manifestation 

  • What it means when we say that the Universe is reflecting, not testing you 

  • Patterns of things that have happened in each of our lives that points to the fact that there is no such thing as a “coincidence”  

  • My progression from starting a business to just make money to finding true alignment and purpose in what I do now 

  • How life shifted for me when I had faith and removed the logical thinking I once had

  • Specific tools and life experiments that Kathrin and Jenni have used - and you can too! 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jul 8, 2024

Today I’m back with the one-and-only Manifestation Babe, Kathrin Zenkina, to bring you Part 2 of our conversation, where we dive even deeper into spirituality and my journey, so far! 

In this episode, I open up about tough times I’ve faced and the role that spirituality has played in me overcoming them, the profound lessons I’ve learned since working with a powerful shaman, my personal favorite manifestation practices and I just may answer the question of why I wear so many bracelets as well. You’ll want to hear this, and if you happened to have missed Part 1 of my conversation with Kathrin last week, make sure to go back and check that one out too! 

We want to hear from you! What resonated with you the most from this episode? Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @manifestationbabe. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How I was able to deal with the emotions of running a business while going through tough times in my life 

  • The 4 main enemies we’ll face and the way I came to learn that clarity is one of them 

  • What happened with my business after I started working with a powerful shaman 

  • The real reasons that I wear so many bracelets

  • A big change that Kathrin has seen in my over these last few years and the biggest lessons that I’ve learned on my spiritual path, so far 

  • How a negative situation I went through actually turned into the best gift that I could have received 

  • A fresh perspective on goal setting and what to understand about the illusion of time 

  • More rapid fire questions and some of my favorite manifestation practices

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jul 1, 2024

Our team was recently in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area for our launch of The Rise of the Digital CEO, and while there, I thought it would be fun to get together with my dear friend Kathrin Zenkina, aka Manifestation Babe. Kathrin and I sat down and recorded a conversation that we could air on both of our podcasts, and because we got into so much good stuff, we’re splitting it into two parts! 

In today’s Part 1, I share how the growth of my business corresponded with my personal growth, and I answer some powerful questions that came directly from Kathrin’s community, along with so much more. 

Make sure to tune into Part 2 coming next week, because we were just getting started in this episode! 

We want to hear from you! What resonated with you the most from this episode? Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @manifestationbabe. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The profound moment early in my entrepreneurial journey that gave me the reassurance and permission to do my own thing 

  • How I first realized that I could get paid to teach others with my digital products 

  • The way that I have blended spirituality with the practicality of business and marketing to make quantum leaps 

  • What three things have contributed the most to me building an 8-figure business 

  • The biggest mistake I see being made by online experts 

  • My love/hate relationship with social media, my thoughts on whether you need ads to build a business, and a whole lot more!

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 24, 2024

Today’s episode is one that I’ve been excited to release for quite some time, as I had the chance to sit down and do an interview with none other than the founder of BossBabe herself, Natalie Ellis! Natalie is an extraordinary human being and brilliant entrepreneur, and this didn’t even feel like an interview, as she shared her captivating story of redemption, resurrection and rebirth after already having built an unbelievable business. 

Natalie inspires me so much, and this conversation is meant to fire you up too! So, tap into her energy and let it remind you of what you are capable of and why you’re doing what you’re doing. When you do this, what else becomes possible for you? 

We want to hear from you! What resonated with you the most from this episode? Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @iamnatalie. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • A look back at how the original BossBabe world was created, up until a certain level where there was a “breaking point” 

  • What changed for Natalie when she got pregnant and led to it all crashing down with her eventually buying back 100 percent of the company 

  • How she resurrected BossBabe and why she says this transformation was done in a such a beautiful way 

  • Who Natalie says a BossBabe was back then and who a BossBabe is right now

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 19, 2024

For today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin, we’re bringing you a Digital CEO that is so strategic, smart and successful! Rachel McMichael learned how to structure her business, manage her time and explode the results she achieves, so that she can get her time back with her family. 

We love just what Rachel is doing, and this is a great one for all the mom business owners that are listening, as it shows that it really is possible to have your dream business without sacrificing the other areas of your life that mean so much to you! 

The doors to Business By Design are open NOW for just 4 days! If you’re ready to grow your digital business beyond your wildest dreams, visit

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @rachelrmcmichael.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The specific things that were holding Rachel back from scaling her business before joining BBD 

  • What she decided to focus on after starting BBD 

  • How to begin regaining purpose in your life and business if you’ve felt you’ve lost it too

  • Rachel’s experiences in growing a team and what she looks for when hiring team members 

  • The number one reason Rachel started working with James and where she says the real power lies in BBD 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 18, 2024

Today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast features the story of an entrepreneur that blew past that elusive 6-figure mark, and Erin Gallardo is now able to design the life according to what she wants. 

As Erin shares in this episode, having money is great, but what’s really beautiful about being a Digital CEO is doing the thing that lights you up, day after day, and making a difference with the people you serve! 

The doors to Business By Design are open NOW for just 4 days! If you’re ready to grow your digital business beyond your wildest dreams, visit

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @ering_neurodpt. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Erin's experience of transitioning from clinical practice to digital entrepreneur

  • Why led her to taking the leap and joining Business By Design

  • A look at the exponential growth her business has seen in the last three years

  • What Erin’s “Life By Design” now looks like and the role that BBD played in her realizing it  

  • The biggest non-business breakthrough that she says changed her life 

  • What it’s really been like to grow and scale a membership 

  • How amazing it can be when you finally let yourself dream BIG 

For full show notes and links, visit: 


Jun 14, 2024

In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, you’ll hear the story of Dina Mande, a Digital CEO who joined Business By Design and created a course specifically for boudoir photographers. Dina is now really carving out a name for herself, and in the process, she has taken her business to over $2 million in revenue in just two short years!   

Dina is a great example of what can happen when you have the courage to niche down, find your target market, use the strategies we teach in BBD…and just keep repeating and refining the process! 

It’s finally here! The Rise Of The Digital CEO is LIVE, and you can join us NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @dinamande. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What happened when Dina did some deep digging and found her niche 

  • That her “homerun offer” is still the same offer she has today

  • Dina’s story of joining BBD to earning $700,000 in the first 24 months and beyond 

  • The big ways in which her lifestyle has changed after creating her digital business 

  • How Digital CEO’s need to understand that time is currency 

  • Tips for evolving your offers based on the needs and wants of your clients 

  • Dina’s message for letting go of the 9-to-5 and awakening to what else is possible for you

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 13, 2024

You read that title right! In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, you’ll meet Monica Little, a Digital CEO who went from selling 9 spots in her beta program to generating $96k in ONE Launch!  

Monica is in a super cool niche as a small business coach helping sellers on Etsy, and there are even more big things to come for her as she is now forecasting half a million dollars in revenue this year! We just know that this conversation with Monica will inspire you, regardless of where you are on your business journey. 

It’s finally here! The Rise Of The Digital CEO is LIVE, and you can join us NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @monicalittlecoaching. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What Monica’s business looked like before joining BBD and how she felt like she was “throwing spaghetti at the wall” during those times

  • The main things she focused on once joining BBD 

  • How Monica pivoted her business after realizing where her true passion was 

  • The BIG goal Monica has for her business this year 

  • How she has come to realize that objections are not really rejections 

  • Monica’s tips for enjoying the fun, everyday things and creating the most balance possible in her life and work 

  • The way in which a few key mindset shifts completely changed her business

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 12, 2024

Today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin features an incredible entrepreneur that is making multiple 7-figures with her low, low ticket offer, and the cool part is that when Allison Hollinger first joined Business By Design, she didn’t even know what her business would be! 

Allison didn’t let that stop her and she just kept launching, tweaking and refining things as she teaches more and more people how to do meal prep, and her story is sure to inspire anyone who listens! 

It’s finally here! The Rise Of The Digital CEO is LIVE, and you can join us NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @allison_hollinger.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Allison shares what she did to launch her beta challenge and how she was able to curate her offer with it 

  • Why the first $100K in business is the hardest, but what happens afterwards if you just keep repeating and refining things 

  • The way that this journey has been a complete life changer for Allison, her family and their future

  • The importance that the support she received in BBD had in fast-tracking her success  

  • Allison's number one tip for creating a challenge launch

  • A reminder that you absolutely can be a mom and an entrepreneur at the same time, without sacrificing either

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 5, 2024

In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, we’re looking at how one Digital CEO 3Xed his revenue in just ONE year, and he happens to be in my personal favorite niche - guitar! 

Henry Olsen is living proof that you don’t need to be teaching people how to make money in order to make money online, and you’ll get to hear his story of giving up control and trusting the process by following the strategies we teach in Business By Design. Once Henry did this, he started getting immediate results after being stuck at what he thought was his income ceiling, and we are so excited to see Henry absolutely crushing it with his business!  

It’s finally here! If you’re listening to this episode when it first airs, The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off TOMORROW, June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @henryolsenguitar.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Henry’s journey from factory worker to offering 1-on-1, in-person guitar lessons 

  • How he dove into the online space with BBD and the ways that it has completely changed his business

  • Why closing your cart and having a waitlist is such an effective strategy for selling digital products and the way Henry got past his fear of doing this 

  • Some of the incredible results that Henry has achieved since using the strategies taught in BBD

  • How Henry is now trying his hand at a live challenge launch after being inspired by The Rise Of The Digital CEO 

  • A closer look at his the personal growth he’s experienced since joining BBD

  • Why knowing your numbers is absolutely crucial for Digital CEOs in this space

  • Thoughts on learning how to rest when your cart is closed 

  • Henry’s move into offering high-ticket, 1-on-1 coaching to his students

For full show notes and links, visit: 

Jun 3, 2024

So, which launch is best? In today’s episode, I’m finally answering this age-old Internet question, and I’ll be looking at it from different angles with the hope that what I share helps you make your own decision more powerfully and with confidence!  

We’re just a few days away! The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at! Inside of this training we expand more on the launch strategies discussed today, and we even give you the launch execution guides inside of Business By Design - no matter which strategy is the right one for YOU. 

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The BIG mistake people are making with launches 

  • Why it’s tricky and dangerous to have tunnel vision around which launch strategy is “best” 

  • 3 factors that must equally play a role in you unlocking the right system for you 

  • A rundown of the automated funnel we used that generated over $1 million in year with a $500 product 

  • The nuances to grasp between the words “automated” and “evergreen” 

  • A conversation around high-ticket offers and why this term varies so much based on the industry 

  • How we sell our exclusive mastermind and the launch strategy that wouldn’t work for this type of offer

  • Other types of launches we see people using right now

For full show notes and links, visit: 

May 31, 2024

How would it sound to turn the emails you send into cold, hard cash? In today’s #BizTipFriday episode, I walk you through how to create a no-brainer automation campaign that gets you PAID! 

The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @jameswedmore.  

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to approach making a simple email campaign that converts 

  • The role that providing value and sharing stories plays in this process

  • How to present your offer and then open your enrollment 

  • The way to use case studies and FAQ's in your campaign

  • Steps to take on the last day of your offer and the two-phase strategy that will get you paid 

  • What we do to stack our campaigns after the automated webinar for maximum results

For full show notes and links, visit: 

May 29, 2024

In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, you’ll meet a Digital CEO who not only exponentially grew her business in terms of the revenue she is generating, but as a result, she is now impacting so many more people with the work she does each day! 

As you’ll hear in this episode, Eliza Kingsford has so many accolades and achievements that she’s accomplished to date, but she says she is now living her most authentic life yet with what she has created with her digital business, and by applying what she’s learned in Business By Design. 

We’re so proud of Eliza and excited to see where she goes from here, and we hope this episode serves as inspiration to you as well on your own journey! 

The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @elizakingsford. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How Eliza realized that she needed structure and focus to grow her online business, and some of the ways in which BBD provided this for her 

  • Her thoughts on the common idea that business and making money is supposed to be hard 

  • The incredible growth Eliza has seen over the past 12 months and what she attributes this to 

  • Which modules in BBD she has found the most helpful to her 

  • What’s changed the most in her life as a result of the business breakthroughs she has had this past year

  • Why the blending of the business and spiritual side of things in BBD means so much to Eliza 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

May 27, 2024

Today I have a very powerful episode for you, where I reveal the four essential ingredients that you need to have in place to sell ANY digital product at any time, no matter the market, your niche and the price point. In case you missed it, make sure to listen to last Monday’s episode, as in it you’ll learn how to craft an irresistible offer, and you must absolutely nail your offer and the messaging you use first!   

The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni.   

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How people don’t want to buy digital products, and what they want to buy instead

  • What “The Gate” is and how using this principle will lead to higher performance and conversion rates 

  • Specific things you can do to enrich the environment for buying 

  • That sharing your “Why” should be a huge part of your messaging 

  • The magic in having a deadline and the different ways you can use one when selling your digital product 

  • What is most likely happening if your launch didn’t work and you feel that you had all four of these ingredients in place 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

May 24, 2024

Looking for ways to improve your launch or promotion and generate more sales? In this #BizTipFriday Digital CEO Edition of the podcast, I reveal strategies that we teach in Business By Design that will help you do it! 

If you just take a few of the things I share today and add them to your next launch, you’ll notice how these improvements and refinements will lead to increased performance and conversions! 

The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @jameswedmore.  

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The philosophy of “do less, do it better” and some ways in which changes can do more harm than good 

  • A strategy you can use on your cart open day to dramatically boost sales 

  • How you can still generate revenue even after your cart closes 

  • That adding a live chat feature to your pages can literally make the sale 

  • Why creating a secret podcast for your audience is such an effective strategy for enhancing your launch or promotion

For full show notes and links, visit: 

May 22, 2024

Today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast introduces you to yet another inspiring Digital CEO, Brooke Miller! After her initial offer didn’t yield the results or deliver the impact she was seeking, Brooke let go and created a brand new offer that was truly aligned with who she really is at her core, what she wants to teach, and who she wants to help. By letting go, Brooke is now at $100k a quarter in revenue, and she’s just getting started! 

The Rise Of The Digital CEO kicks off this June 6th, and you can register NOW at

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @nutrition.for.mamas.  

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • A look at Brooke’s journey through BBD, both before and after the shifts and pivots she made 

  • How her offer has changed and the way it is now more aligned and in demand 

  • A hot seat Brooke had with me that changed everything for her and what happened immediately after this experience 

  • The two big beliefs that she had to let go of in order to shift her mindset to what it needed to be 

  • Brooke’s favorite non-business breakthrough from BBD 

  • Why not being afraid to ask for help is key for Brooke as she builds her digital business 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

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